LINKS FOR YOU: Pajot Valley Graphics 3D Studio : www.PVG-3DStudio.be = The best 3D studio there is ;-) (You are allready home ...) MARC SYSTEMS bvba : www.marc-systems.be = Technical 3D Designing/Animation Studio BLENDER 3D : www.blender.org = 3D Modeler / Game Engine Software OGRE 3D : www.ogre3d.org = 3D Game Engine Software BULLET PHYSICS 3D : www.BulletPhysics.org = 3D Physic Engine Software POVRAY 3D : www.povray.org = Rendering Software NOTEPAD++ : www.notepad-plus-plus.org = Text Editor Software SCINTILLA : www.scintilla.org = Editor Software

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- Copyright© 2010...2013 - CORNELIS Marc - PVG 3D Studio - - Designed by - Pajot Valley Graphics - 3D animation studio - > > > > > - info-3d@marc-systems.be - < < < < < Best in 1024x768 or higher - Last update 14/08/2013 (dd/mm/yyyy) - 14:05:00 (hh:mm:ss)